Install Vicidial On Windows

Oct 12, 2013 - yum install gcc gcc-c++ php php-devel php-gd gd-devel php-mbstring php-mcrypt php-imap php-ldap php-mysql php-odbc php-pear php-xml.

VICIdial - Consulting - Remote Installation • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Remote Installations: VICIdial can be tricky to install and configure, especially in a multi-server cluster. Even highly trained Linux and Asterisk consultants at times have difficulty getting it to function correct. Why spend weeks trying to configure a system when the Vicidial Group's highly trained technicians can install VICIdial on your hardware remotely in a matter of a few days. The Vicidial Group's technicians have done remote installations of VICIdial all over the world. From Italy to Peru, Pakistan to Britain, the Vicidial Group can install where ever there is a permanent internet connection. With our remote installation service, our technicians will talk you through letting them log into your system. From there they will download and install all of the various components that make up VICIdial and configure them properly.

They will then bring the system into a production ready state. This means that your agents will be able to log into the system, and it will be able to place calls out through your telephone provider. Our remote installations come with five hours of configuration support. This support can be used for just about anything. Our technicians can assist you with setting up user account, campaigns, lists, in-groups, etc.

They can also help you to diagnosing network or provider issues. In addition you will get a copy of the high quality Agent and Manager manuals for your own purposes. Not sure how to install the base operating? Our technicians can provide you with a document that explains how to install and configure OpenSuSE Linux in server mode.

Digital signal processing signals systems and filters solutions manual. OpenSuSE Linux has proven to us to be a very stable and reliable Linux distribution for use with VICIdialL. For a full list of recommended Linux distributions please check. Our pricing for a remote installation of VICIdial is $2500 USD for the first server and $1500 USD for each additional server. For more information about our remote installation service please. Copyright © 2010

All Rights Reserved.

We can either work on it hourly, $50 per hour if there is NO deadline or $100 if there is a deadline and will apprise you of the progress as we go. OR I can bid on the project at $1475 which will require $500 down. Hourly is not refundable if something goes horribly amiss. You will know what we know, and we will be happy to resolve any and all issues that CAN be resolved, but if we hit a brick wall, we'll hit it with together. At that point I MAY negotiate a 50% refund, but I may not, depending on how far we've gone and entirely at my discretion. If you choose the 'Bid' option and we cannot complete the task. 'No Fix, No Fee.'

We would refund the down payment less any fees charged to transfer the money (paypal, credit card, whatever). If however, we complete the installation on our server, we would expect full payment before transferring the software to your server.

The definition of 'complete the installation' is: ONE logged in agent and ONE trunk dialing for that agent (1:1 dialing) minimum on a direct-to-agent campaign. (As I said, I do not know if the underlying systems will be reliable for this software.) Fair enough? This is a very bad idea. Vicidial was never designed to work under windows.